Ten Days to 25: A Celebration of Unscripted Futures and Fearless Beginning

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Susan Khasoa


Jan 31

Joined Jul 22, 2023

Ten days. A mere blink in the grand tapestry of time, yet it feels like a chasm before the unknown landscape of my 25th year. Fear whispers, painting the future in shades of doubt, but somewhere deep within, a different voice ignites. It's the voice of a 24-year-old who has defied odds, who has walked the tightrope between hope and hardship, and emerged, not unscathed, but undeniably resilient.

My path to this threshold wasn't paved with silver spoons. I grew up with the humbling hum of a single parent's struggle, witnessed the sacrifices my brothers made to light my path. They surrendered their rightful place in prestigious schools, their own dreams intertwined with mine. That burden became a spark, a fiery resolve to honor their sacrifice.

I remember the nervous tremor in my voice as I walked into the bursary office, a raw story trembling on my lips. But I spoke, and I won. I learned to navigate the labyrinth of poverty-stricken education, becoming the indispensable cog in my school's machinery. When resources dwindled, I built bridges with leadership, becoming the head prefect, not because of some preordained destiny, but because I dared to believe I could be the answer to a problem.

And then, the voices crept in. Whispers of doubt, of expectations unfulfilled, of a future painted by others' failures. They dimmed the warrior's flame, leaving behind a timid echo of the girl who dared to dream.

But today, ten days before the unknown unfolds, I choose to dance with the flames once more. The future may be a mystery, but it's not a monster. It's a canvas, waiting for the vibrant strokes of my own making.

To the ones who tremble at the precipice of failure, I say this: Let your fears be the embers, not the ashes. Every stumble, every setback, is a chance to rise stronger, to paint a new masterpiece on the canvas of your life. Don't be bound by the shackles of comparison. Carve your own path, one brushstroke at a time.

University graduates, don't let the whispers of statistics drown your dreams. You are not a number in a spreadsheet. You are a force to be reckoned with, a part of the 10% who rewrite the narrative. Dream beyond the borders of expectation, and believe, with unwavering conviction, that your story will be one of triumph, not tragedy.

There will be days of doubt, moments when the brush feels heavy in your hand. But remember, even the greatest artists need to rest, to reload their palettes with vibrant hope. And when you do, remember the 24-year-old who danced with fear and emerged stronger. Remember the girl who dared to dream, who dared to believe that even ten years past expectation, her future glitters with possibility.

So let us embrace the unknown, not with trepidation, but with the fearless hope of those who know, deep down, that even in the darkest night, the dawn will always break. We are the storytellers, the artists of our destinies. And our canvas? It's infinite.

Moments of Hope
Spirit Awards
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