Thank you for Celebrating with us!!! World PulsePH
Aug 4, 2022
Apr 29
Joined Feb 17, 2017
A kick of celebration of World Pulse Philippines 2nd Anniversary was held last September 25, 2021. Inviting everyone to join, welcoming new members, with fun games & prizes and meet new friends, Meet & Greet Online.
Last October, we invited fellow #Pinay to Rise Up to join and share their stories for World Pulse PH call for story “Ito ang aking Istorya” To inspire and encourage them, we gathered some thoughts and insights on what is sharing stories mean for them and why is encouraging is important, read here: What is Encouraging and Stories meant for you?
We also raise fund to be a blessing last Christmas of 2021 for We "Ambit": A community sharing effort of World Pulse PH" (Panag-ambit sa Gasa/Sharing of Blessings). This is our way to be meaningful by sharing our blessings with others. World Pulse PH “Ambit” is a small way to bring joy and smiles to in need families in Leyte.
Big “THANK YOU” for your DONATION, without you, this initiative will not be successful. There is no greater happiness to see families who are in need to receive a pack of Christmas groceries they can enjoy on Christmas eve. We believed, that every act of generosity can make a big difference and you made it possible to happen.
We acknowledge the time and effort of World Pulse sister, Rahnee Candaza who freely donated her artwork calligraphy as token of appreciation for those who gave their donation.
Four inspired women who have taken the time to tell their story on the choices of topics: My Hope for the year 2022, My Pandemic Experience, My Mental Health and Climate Change, what can I do?.
The purpose for this call for story is to encourage #Pinay to share their stories that they deserve to be heard, supported, encouraged and lifted up.
Last January 24, we’ve announced the winners of those who joined “Ito ang aking Istorya” Thank you to our empowered panel of Judges: Dhidhak Bandalan, Lia Ocampo and Jill Langhus-Griffin for their time and support to this activity.
Let me thank and congratulate all who joined. Your story stood up to our panel of judges! You speak out for what you believe. You are a storyteller, connector and passionate about making a difference.
Our 4th Prize Winner, Rojeanne Jimenez. Thank you and Congratulations! Thank you for believing to yourself. You’ve welcome opportunities and challenges. You’ve regained your confidence in sharing your stories through writing. You have a potential, believed on it! You are blessed. You are special and loved. (Read her story:
Thank you and Congratulations, 3rd Prize Winner, Sheena Radam. Your hope for 2022 gives inspiration to us. We all want that 2022 be filled with joy, good health and abundance. You have a great faith. Despite of trials, the love of God gave you hope and new beginnings. We welcome you to World Pulse, thank you for trusting us your first story. We believe in you. We are inspired with your story. You are an overcomer with a purpose for married couple and You are beautiful inside and out. (Read her story
Cristy Sabado is our 2nd Prize Winner. Thank you, Cristy and Congratulations! Thank you for finding space on World Pulse Philippines to express your thoughts. Your story can bring inspiration to every woman who have the same experienced. With your story we can be a strength for each other. Your family is blessed to have you as a strong wife and a Mother. You are brave, you are important. You are an inspiration to your community. I hear you. I see you. (Read her story:
Congratulations! Patricia Ramota, as our our 1st Prize Winner. Thank you for sharing your thought-provoking and heartfelt poem as Jill commented. You have a courageous heart and with a generous spirit. You believe in yourself and uses your imagination of expressing yourself. You’ve brought life to your emotion which brilliantly expressed. We appreciate you! Continue to share, express your mind and be an inspiration to young adult like you, who are having self-talk of the future. You are loved. You are beautiful. You are amazing! (Read her story:
All winners will receive Lia Ocampo’s book entitled: "What We Know for Sure" Inspirational Stories of Filipino Immigrants in America.
Let me share you their encouraging words, and if you like to watch the recorded announcement of winners, you may watch it here:
“As a writer it has been my goal to impact of the lives of others thru my writing, I want to give them hope and to share my faith that has been helping me to thrive and to overcome challenges that I face everyday. I love listening stories and to share my own stories. It’s inspiring and encouraging to listen to other people’s victory. One of the biggest gift that we can give is God’s love, that is through with our encouraging and by helping them see life positivity and hope” -Sheena Radam-
As I have read the stories on World Pulse, there are women who will inspire and encourage you. I may not know them personally, nor they don’t know me personally but they give their time to read your stories. Despite that they have problem, but they give their encouragement. It gives strength and makes me feel “I’m not alone.” There is other way to send your support and care aside thru face to face or video call and that is through writing. World Pulse inspire me, I’m glad to be part of this group, outside church, outside friend, but it’s around the world and it’s inspires me. -Cristy Sabado-
Thank you, Committee Members and Supporters: Rojeanne Jimenez, Paulina Nayra, Rahnee Candaza, Dhidhak Bandalan, Josie Ortiz, Myra Tambor, Lia Ocampo and Blanche Yamba
On World Pulse PH we want to L.E.A.D.
Link with women who want to be heard and make an impact through the power of her story.
Encourage women to be part of a worldwide sisterhood where we can speak and lift each other through the World Pulse platform.
Advocate individual’s aspirations by collaboration to benefits children, young girls, and women in our community.
Develop World Pulse PH Sisterhood through active participation as an encourager, share stories, join meet-ups and support any campaign online or offline.