
The Benefactor

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Queen Sheba D Cisse


Feb 27

Joined Aug 3, 2011

Focusing on Investments to create and fund future start-ups.

Photo Credit: *Image- Entrepreneur, Queen Sheba D Cisse. (circa, 2023, QSDC)

Q S Philanthropy Leadership, Creativity , Mobility

 In traditional America we have known and established three distinctive philanthropic traditions that I as The Baby Boomer Generation identify with. It is Relief, Improvement and Social Reform. 

In 2020 I renamed all three that appealed to the work I was and still am engaged in for years as I work alongside volunteering members including son team member Mouhamadou Thiam, coordinator/facilitator of QSV, Inc Much has been rewarded to us as a thriving volunteering run operation. During the Covid -19 year pandemic and the after effects it left behind,  many Non Government Organization leaders  including myself realized I were in for a real awakening and struggle to fight for financial assistance , support from whomever and wherever to keep programs and events stable as I researched for answers financially supporting what I am passionate about. 

A volunteering organization follows all the rules of financial reporting and guidelines set up for the Internal Revenue Code to operate for tax exemption just as a For - profit does. That's a clear no brainer. I often get questions as to how I as a Founder and President of this organization get paid. If your intentions are purely for the sake of GOD to help others you look no further than yourself. That propelled me to start a new but awakened Initiative I was already engaged in without realizing or attaching a name to it.

Leadership, Creativity and Mobility is Q S Philanthropy. Q S Philanthropy was created as a Charitable Investment , a portfolio of ideas and natural talent used as a means to time spent and efforts paid back to a financial wheel to sponsor and fund projects and ventures. All I have ever was engaged in since high school is respected and honored in these three words mentioned above. Since a child my beloved mother affectionately called me her Leader daughter, she and I were fond of creating ideas to live by from cooking, fashion and the arts including writing, music and dance Creativity. Today I take the positive advantage of travel to increase my studies to be able to Benefit others as I work as a Public and private service contractor, Investor and mentor. This indeed is defined as my personal Mobility.

In the future from time to time I hope by GOD's grace to share my experiences here to inspire others. Our mentorship program in house at QSV, Inc in Senegal has evolved and has gained popularity over the years, and additionally I was invited by World Pulse Staff Team to be a Mentor. As opportunities opened up to me I offer support to others on a similar path as it will be different for everyone.  Welcome yourself to follow my blog and my writers fb page ( i will post the links below if you are interested to follow and read)My project Initiative has me constantly seeking knowledge spiritually, higher education and now and has expanded to collaborations with likeminded partner entrepreneurs. Your gifts from the higher Source you were blessed with, your decision to benefit others with those gifts is a excellent resource to serve as Benefactor to humanity. 

May we all prosper in our International affairs to serve others and GOD willing to share updates, partnerships here: fbpage QueenShebaDCisse. 

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