The bravery of an Afghan girl

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Apr 10

Joined Mar 15, 2023

Where have you seen a beautiful Afghan girl? The one who knows how to charm and her femininity is known to everyone! But he knows how to defend the ideals of his country and he knows how to make his country proud. An Afghan girl stands by men and defends her country while feminizing

An Afghan girl is a clear example of beauty and femininity. Being able to femininity and show off your tenderness in comfortable conditions is nothing! An Afghan girl has learned how to do this in difficult situations and how to maintain the tenderness she needs.

It is not correct to use the word masculinity, otherwise the word masculinity should be applied to the zeal of Afghan girls. Despite all the conflicts and difficulties, they still stand by their country and defend it stubbornly. Afghan girls are a clear example of sacrifice

An Afghan girl can work hard and strive for her future. An Afghan girl can achieve all her dreams and aspirations, because she has learned how to live through the hardships she has seen. Yes, every Afghan girl can be a role model for the girls of the world.

Afghan girl is more beautiful than flowers; It is more beautiful than spring and it is more beautiful than even God's paradise. God has institutionalized all the beauty in the faces of Afghan girls

He strives for his dreams, suffers, suffers and is oppressed, but still he has dreams in his head that make him stand against all these and not fail. Yes, I am talking about the same Afghan girl who, despite her difficulties, works hard for her wishes and does not give up on them.

I didn't know what love was. I had not learned its meaning; But since I saw that Afghan girl, I just realized the meaning of love! I just realized what love is and how much it can make your life sweeter.

An Afghan girl knows how to fall in love; He knows how to steal hearts and has learned to charm by nature. If you are in a relationship with an Afghan girl, consider yourself the luckiest person! Because no one deserves to steal the heart of such a girl and of such a nationality.

If an Afghan girl loves you, if she loves you and if she is willing to do anything for you, then I must congratulate you! Because you are the happiest person on the planet. An Afghan girl is not like other normal girls and she managed to maintain her femininity in the midst of hardships. This increases his value and if you have such a precious gem in your life, never do anything to lose it.

One day I was walking in the wind

It was raining at the same time as the wind, but the wind stopped

The sky is clear, the rainbow laughs, the rain pours down

I saw you among the colors of blue, maybe green, red . girl (Afghan)

But he comes on foot, smiling, with a fast dancing wheel .Come on, he said, still smiling

I am a lonely heart, I have sorrows but I laugh every day . My land is not my place

Its flowers are all crying, its sky is cloudy and raining, its land is dry and frozen . where are you coming .

You have to go back, your heart will change

I will come with you

Its name is blue, its land is warm, its hearts are simple and kind

Let's be one together


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16 Days
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