The Civilized version of poverty practiced in Canada

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Joined Aug 15, 2023

Our view of the world and other countries is based on perception. How people in other countries view canada is based on perception and false information that is in the news and other sources.

Poverty in canada is at an all time high.

The number of homeless rising weekly and seniors going hungry is now all too common.

Canada brags about its beauty and its resources yet still does not provide for its own people

British Columbia is a very expensive province to live in and taxes are very high, but people get little or nothing in return.

Young people feel there is no hope and suicide is more prevalent. I live in British Columbia on northern Vancouver island

And since January in the small communities there were 40 deaths and several of those were suicide others were drug and alcohol related.

The government has done nothing to resolve any of these issues and lives in luxury and privilege while the citizens live in despair.

1 out of every 4 children go hungry, racism is another issue affecting Canadians.

The problems are socio economic

No one is listening that should be doing something.

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