The Devastating Impact of Violence on Girls: My Story and a Call to Action

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Bolutife Asake


Aug 29

Joined Feb 13, 2023

A woman who has chosen to conquer shining her light

Photo Credit: Simbami Warigon

The Devastating Impact of Violence on Girls: My Story and a Call to Action

Violence against girls is a global pandemic, affecting millions of children every year. The impact of this violence can be devastating, leaving lasting physical, mental, and emotional scars. This is my story, and it is the story of far too many girls around the world.

The Physical Toll of Violence

The physical consequences of violence can be immediate and severe. I suffered from injuries like bruises, cuts, and fractures, some of which have left permanent scars. These physical reminders are a constant source of pain and trauma. Beyond the visible wounds, the violence I experienced may have caused internal damage that I am not even aware of.

Sleeping Disorders and Health Risks

The violence also disrupted my sleep, causing severe insomnia. Even with medications, I struggled to find rest. This lack of sleep further impacted my mental and physical health, leaving me feeling exhausted and vulnerable.

Sexual violence, unfortunately, is a reality for many girls. This type of abuse puts girls at increased risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which require immediate medical attention to prevent further complications.

Mental and Emotional Scars

The mental and emotional impact of violence is often the most difficult to overcome. I developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which caused flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, and depression. These symptoms haunted me day and night, making it difficult to function in daily life.

The violence also led to feelings of depression and worthlessness. I lost my self-esteem and felt ashamed of what had happened to me. The emotional pain was so overwhelming that I even contemplated suicide.

Isolation and Social Impact

In the aftermath of the violence, I isolated myself from friends and family. I felt withdrawn and unable to connect with others. This isolation only deepened my sense of loneliness and despair.

Financial Burden on Families

The violence also had a financial impact on my family. Medical care, counseling, and legal services can be expensive, placing a significant strain on already struggling families.

The Uniqueness of Each Girl's Experience

It's important to remember that every girl's experience with violence is unique. The specific impacts will vary depending on the individual and the circumstances surrounding the abuse.

Breaking the Cycle of Violence

Despite the devastating impact of violence, there is hope. We can break the cycle of violence and create a safe and supportive environment for all girls.

A Call to Action

Here are some ways we can work to end violence against girls:

Raising awareness: Educating the public about the issue of violence against girls is crucial to changing attitudes and behaviors.

Supporting survivors: Providing access to medical care, counseling, and legal services is essential for helping survivors heal and rebuild their lives.

Empowering girls: Teaching girls about their rights and how to protect themselves is key to preventing violence.

Holding perpetrators accountable: Bringing abusers to justice is essential to deterring future violence.

Creating safe spaces: Providing safe spaces for girls to learn, play, and socialize is vital to their well-being.

By working together, we can create a world where all girls are free from violence and can reach their full potential.

16 Days
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