May 1, 2024

Joined Nov 11, 2023

Photo Credit: margizuu
diversity visa lottery is one of the most awaited event, live work as a permanent united state residences
The diversity immigrant visa program known as dv lottery is United states of america government lottery program for receiving permanent resident card in the immigration 1990 act. it started back in 1986.! the lottery is administered by the department of USA and conducted under immigration and nationality act . by making available 55,000 immigrant visa annually it aim to diversify the immigrant population each year it is estimated that over 11 million people across the world . the impact of this diversity visa program provide economic benefits to united states and also it enhance the labour force through research low skilled immigrants lift the wages of native born workers .giving out green card also create security threat back in 2004 homeland security warned about terrorism related charges and the suspect were some dv lottery winners since then immigrants from countries with higher percentage of diversity visa have vastly lower incarceration rates than native born individuals. it has also lead to some countries ban from participating in the dv lottery program. well as the dv lottery season is almost up being one of the most awaited events for many applicants waiting to permanently live , work in the united states of america 4th MAy 2024 is the due date of checking the results and to access the result the applicants needs digital confirmation number that is issued after you did the application having opportunity to talk to one applicant name doty she tell me how optimistic she is she says this is her 10th dv lottery application she say she has been using the same picture for the last 10yrs no knowing that was an automatic disqualification this year she had the resent picture which is less than six months old she is so optimistic that she is going to win and yes ! i wish her well with that this coming next saturday .remember if you are selected in the lottery program you must have completed at least a high school education or at least two years of work experiences in an occupation which requires at least two years of training experiences . they must also satisfy general requirement applicable to all immigrants mainly health, criminal background and means of support. meting john who won dv lottery last year and he and his family is waiting for their interview share with me the cost of all the process together with all the documents, medical report from specific doctors , he tell , me visa one has to have birth certificate , certificate of good conduct or police affidavit from all the countries you visited , school leaving certificate , college and university degrees certificate after that you get your second notification that let you book for medical examination what they look for are tuberculosis, Brocken neck , your backbone , hiv status, skin sickness , sexuallytransmited sickness all your vaccination that is needed and allcost lots of money around $290,per person ,visa fee is $330,per person ,then there is other fees $200 per person. he tell me how most people think after winning dv lottery you automatic get your visa thats so wrong and miscommunication its a long process and you also have to have a host in the usa , know his or her address ,your relationship , what they do , do they pay taxes.john tell me he look forward to being in the united states after his interview in few weeks . kenya has one of the highest number of dv lottery program in the world last year alone over 3, 760 kenyans landed the opportunity to migrate to the usa this was out of the 22,185,619 individuals who submitted their entry , this year most kenyans are very optimistic to win the lottery that will be out on saturday . being prepared is all it takes have your passport ready now that passport is pain in the neck getting passport is so very hard , get your education documents ready make sure they are legit don't engage in fraudulent activities because the united states embassy will get you , be ready for your medical examination that means take care of yourself this is because the american government take communicable sickness so serious it will disqualify you from getting the lottery even if you emerge a winner. have your finances ready because dv lottery is very expensive to process especially if you have a big family, never lie on your ds260 this also will automatically disqualify you , the united state embassy don't like people who lie remember to be very truthful with all the information you put down .if you have travel outside your home country make sure you get police affidavit to clear you from all wrong doing .don't forget to know who will be hosting you in the united state have their invitation letter showing they will take you in once you get in the united state, be ready for visa interview they will make you take an oath on the window then take your biometrics then the net thing is interview that take 2/3 minutes then when you get through your interview you will be issued with a blue slip with details of how to collect your passport after 3/5 business working days , if you fail your interview or miss a document you will be put in administrative process that they cal 22ig with yellow slip give you time to produce the documents they ask for before being issued your visa to the united states. i cant wait to share good stories about new winners this coming weekend to all those applicants waiting for their united state dv lottery win wishing you good luck on the new chapter of your life , green card as its call is an opportunity that come twice a year make good use of it change your life and the life of your community its worth signing for this dv lottery program its a game changer.