The girl child of today is the leader of tomorrow
Mar 21, 2021

Vivian Emesowum
Joined Aug 4, 2010

Growing up, I was being described as a "quite and gentle girl." Some neighbourhood friend would ask my mother if I was deaf and dumb since they have not heard "my voice " before on like my other siblings that are well known.
At school, my class teacher would always write "very quiet in class" as their comment at the end of each class term because they know less of me. I remember, in pry 4, our class had to flog all the pupils because we couldn't answer a question correctly. I was sure of the answer but just surprised that the known Intelligent students did not get it correctly when they were called by name. More so, I had never raised my hand up to answer any question before unless the teacher calls or point at me.
Everyone loves my quiet and gentle nature. The only person who was worried about it was me. I usually return home unhappy at the end of each class term. I know I did not need those characteristic to meet my vision. I was doing well in class but beyond the class, I was not satisfied with myself. I was too shy and afraid to speak even when it is important for me to so do. My family members and friends would always say, ‘she will not talk but when she decides to talk, it sounds like an exploded bomb’. I needed to be bold and courageous; I was determined to do what I wanted but never find the courage to take the lead.
My quietness could had been attributed to undisclosed abused and feelings to my family or trusted friend. The outcome of it was psychological trauma and withdrawal.
My health journey took me to another part of the world. I discovered a growth and it was fibroid. The suitors were coming and taking to their heels when they discover I had fibroid. Doctor's result was that the sizes were big, you cannot conceive unless you carry out a Myomectomy was the doctor’s advice. I know women who have died out of surgery; I was afraid, very afraid to dead. It caused me varieties of pains - emotional, psychological and physical all as a single. I have this story in my journal ‘my story made me strong and bold’ As a young quiet girl, I ask myself the many ‘whys of women’ and when I have courage to ask it out, they say it is rhetorical questions and I get no answer, I felt bad and cold. I see women accused wrongly, put down, embarrassed even in public places. I see women given the lower position and the men take the important place taking advantage of the women and girls in school, at home, offices, and politically. I see women struggling to carter for their children and watch them die of hungry. I see women brutally beaten up by men and go free, girls raped daily, cheated, sick and yet nothing is done. Women wept in pain, live in frustration, speechless and lose hope of life. World Pulse is the most exciting journey I have taken. Being women community and that I can share my own story globally….... I undertook the journey. It keeps me thinking how to be part of women success. It is said, women are second in creation, if so, let’s start training men to respect women and train girls to be empowered since it is also said, train a girl, you train a nation. My vision is Girls Preparatory Institute where girls are empowered to speak out and lead the nation. Develop a strong voice and confidence knowing that ‘the girl child of today is the leader of tomorrow.’