The Nightmare struck again in Kenya

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Jul 9

Joined Feb 3, 2023

When it happens once it is considered a lack of knowledge and hence excusable but when it happens severally that is ignorance. Severally Kenyans have felt the bitterness of exceeding heavy rains and as if that is not enough it has occurred to them again. Once happy homes are now displaced and living at the mercy of well-wishers and government aid.

The dangers were spelled out long before the calamity hit but nobody took the warnings seriously and now everyone is just praying that it doesn’t get to them and those affected that the nightmare will end soon and have their normal lives back. How much more destruction must occur for people to act?

Nobody is coming to save you so get up and put in the work and save yourself. The lives, vegetation, livestock, and houses wouldn’t have been wiped away had the precautions been taken seriously. For almost a year the land was hit by drought and famine and now the rains will come and go and that same calamity might hit again if care is not taken, the excess water can be harvested in underground tanks and more dams created.

There is a looming danger of waterborne diseases rising by 100% with no or little hope of fighting them because accessing proper medical attention, especially in remote areas is almost impossible as most of those areas are yet to relocate their people to safer places, get them food, clothing and housing away from their damaged homes.

A national calamity can’t be prepared for entirely but the measures should be taken prior and not finding solutions when the deed is already done because the aftermath will be felt for generations to come. Floods put so much on hold while wiping what is in place and that is not only bad for the individuals but also the economy, it is wanting and it doesn’t care all it wants is to grow.

In the coming years, I hope my country gives much attention to national calamities because they are disastrous and take a lot from us. It is happening but it must not happen tomorrow. We must take care of the environment so that it will retaliate when the time comes. The drifting of the earth, the fall of the sloppy areas, and flooding that we will find a lasting solution for even if it means coming up with man-made rivers and lakes, we need to be safe and not sorry. To my affected fellow citizens hang in there, we are together in this and we shall overcome! 

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