The True beauty!

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Batool Kazmi


Joined Dec 12, 2023

True beauty cannot be seen with naked eyes.

True beauty is hidden can be seen with eyes of love!

Have you ever wondered what true beauty means?

Let's imagine a figure

Someone has beautiful eyes to perceive the agony in your heart, the passion in you. 

Ears may hear others' loud screams, their gladness they want to share, their tale they want the world to hear, and a listener can soothe you by telling you that they would make time to show you value.

The hands are tender, loving, and reassuring, expressing thanks and support while generously spreading peace and love.

A warm grin to boost you up, the lips gleaming like rose petals, spreading happy aroma in the air. 

To have a sensitive nose for tiny difficulties and moments when others need you in thick and thin.

A loving heart can watch the light of hope in others and ignite the power of strength and motivation via the warmth of words that touch other hearts.

True beauty is found in implicit shape rather than explicit style. 

When you feel it, you will notice how wonderful others are.

'The true beauty is concealed like a pearl in a seashell,' Batool Kazmi


Batool Kazmi

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