
The Women Web3 Wednesday

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Web3 Woman

Mar 23

Joined Mar 11, 2023

Women Web3 Wednesday, audio women inclusion event.

WWW redifined, Women Web3 Wednesday!

The Women Web3 Wednesday with the Web3 Woman Hub is a weekly Twitter Space series that seeks to educate, inform, and give women direct first-hand networking and learning opportunities with industry experts at the intersection of technology, career, inclusion, and advocacy.

We consider it important to launch this initiative that has so far featured over 32 episodes with several distinguished guests and has shed more light on the necessity of education and information on these interesting themes, and their tactical intersection.

Most women find it soothing to hear from top web3 contributors on the challenges that they have to deal with as women in web3. For others, it is the rare privilege to hear from these great women now made accessible.

Whichever woman you are, with Women Web3 Wednesday, the vast world of web3 is made plain, you can now clearly see a path to navigate to your own career, issues with inclusion are dealt with; and as women, we can hold our hands, share tips, and encourage one another as we cheer to better days!

Keep tabs on my profile as I will ensure to share links to the program, weekly!

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