THE WOUNDED HEALER: Jennifer Nommonyor Tembile.

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Tembile Jennifer Nommonyor

Jan 20

Joined Jan 13, 2024

A wounded healer still smiles beautifully. Let's be mindful.

It is my hope that this writeup would lead a change in the lives of its viewers/readers. Lets take life easy for we've all got different destinies. To all wounded healers out there, take it easy for you are not alone.

The past 2 years had been very rough for me. These were the years I had to learn a lot of things the hard way. These were the years I had to question God and almost everything in my life. These were the years I felt God wasn't fair to me. These were the period motivational messages meant nothing to me; including messages I wrote in the past to others.

Interestingly, this was the period I had more cases to assist (I usual do general mentorship and career guidance/coaching for young people. I do listen to assist depressed persons too). God been so good, all my cases ended victorious. Many lives were touched positively whilst others are saved. Meanwhile, I was so down myself.

On the weird and funny part of this all, I had many people envying me. Many said it directly to me whilst others said it to some friends and family. Many wished to be like me (be in my shoes as at that time), meanwhile, none knew what was going on in my life. Many saw me smiling and helping lots of depressed souls, but none thought of checking up with me. None wondered if all was well with me close doors. All I kept receiving was depressed souls seeking for healing/help...I didn't fail them, all thanks to God.

The past 2 years were the period I nearly gave up on myself and more of the works I do (especially works on my founded organization, Yumzaa Foundation, (14) Facebook ). I decided to do less or no social media (especially Facebook) but still, I had more impact stories than the previous years. Adding up to God not wanting me to go astray, I got employed to lead the works of another organization which had similar aims and goals like mine (more of a learning platform for me). Initially, I was low in spirit, but got active as the task ahead was bigger.

Let me tell you a bit discovery I made appeared God needed me closer. I got so overwhelmed with work and normal life that I spent no time at all to communicate with my Maker. After a while, I had to run to my God for help. I held on to my Catholic Faith and Teachings. I have always been of a belief that when "Hope is lost, one should hold on to his/her Faith (spiritual beliefs)" for a positive turn is likely to manifest. That worked marvelously for me, anyway.

Today as I put this together, I am as strong as a rock because I found Jesus along the way (for months now I feel very great), I easily feel motivated than before. Despite the many challenges I went through, the achievements and growth recorded on my side is unmeasurable.

I chose to attach a smiley picture because of the excitement I feel within writing about the goodness of the Lord in my life. Lifting me higher when things were difficult for me and placing me at a better place now. I am confident there are more wounded healers out there. I pray this writeup serves as a source of hope and comfort as they journey on.

Someone might wonder why this writeup has been made. This writeup talks about FAITH and HEALING. Let me tell you more in points.

  1. Learn to PRAY in every situation. PRAYER changes a lot.
  2. A healer can be wounded. Let's be mindful. Every human being needs attention and care.
  3. God doesn't give you a gift and leaves you hanging. He blesses you to be able to do His assignment as expected.
  4. Sometimes we pass through challenges to learn lessons. Whenever you find yourself in a difficult moment, reflect about the positives surrounding you, and dwell on it.
  5. God sometimes makes us pass through pains because we are running away from Him or because we are drawing far away from Him. Let's check ourselves and the situations we find ourselves in. God's love is always too clear not to be seen.
  6. Let's learn to be extra prayerful and appreciative to God now and forever. His Mercies and Glory endures forever.
  7. Envy none, we've got different destinies.
  8. Once in a while, send a check up message to your contacts. It would mean a lot to some people (even if they don't tell you).
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