Nov 11
Joined Apr 11, 2024

Generational differences intensively causes a huge friction between the parents and their children. Unintentionally children end up causing pain to their parents and vise versa. It gets difficult to resolve the matters peacefully since there won't be a mutual agreement. Parents have their own way of understanding things and wanting them to be done whereas on the other side their children prefer the other way round.
Looking at the fact that there are lot of changes which took place over the years. Prices have changed, transport means have changed, groceries are way expensive, children work at the cities, far from their home villages. They are expected to cover family expenses as well as their own expenses. Trying to explain the situations to the parents it gets tough for them to understand. It hurts them, they feel they are not supported enough, they are neglected, they are not loved enough.
How best can this matter be addressed? It is really sensitive since parents are crucial part of every children's life even though children are dying inside because of expenses beyond their measure. They are trying but cannot do it all at once. They are even hurting that they are failing to fulfil their duties to provide a better living for their parents.
It hurts, both parties. The trying party and the expecting party.
Babedi Samakabadi FACES Reality ❤️