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Furaha Hesketh


Sep 26

Joined Nov 6, 2023

A photo of myself posing by the beach.

I've always found introductions a hustle. I mean putting my self out there is something am gradually learning after a long time of feeling invisible, downplaying myself and only seen as just a pretty face.

My name is Lydia Furaha Hesketh from Malindi, Kilifi County in Kenya. A coastal town that's among the few marginalized counties in my Country. I wear so many hats; a mentor, behavioral change facilitator and enthusiast, a gender equity and women's rights advocate, a sexual and reproductive health and rights advocate, a design thinking coach, a writer a monitoring and evaluation intern, all these and many more titles make me Identify as a social development enthusiast but above all, I am a beacon of hope to my generation and the next.

I almost always felt like a misfit growing up. The things that I enjoyed doing were way different from my peers. I enjoyed the quietness and a good book when all my friends wanted to go out to play. I'd hide my breast in my shirt when they started protruding whereas all my female friends would walk their heads high and proud of their changes. I'd curl up and hide every time I'd receive attention from boys which was almost always because my body started changing quite early before my brain could catch up and I was left wondering why people were not ashamed to show interest in a 9 year old girl. So yes, invisibility felt like a very lucrative option.

Looking back now, I am grateful for all those experiences I had. I believe they fueled my passion to work extra hard and not be defined by the invisible lines and words from my community. My experiences not only made me want a different life and more for my self but also for my community. I'd like to be a living example to women and girls out here that they achieve whatever they put their mind to , that education to a girl is an investment to a community and an entire generation, that in whatever capacity, anyone can use resources at their disposal to make something great of themselves, that by speaking up, raising our voices and words, we not only bring change but call upon a lot more of fellow women and girls to be brave, embrace their identity and start from anywhere they are to bring change.

I'm currently learning, writing, finding myself and serving my community which can be a little challenging to balance sometime. I couldn't've been more happier and relieved at the same time to have stumbled upon this awesome community of women change makers on Instagram. I know I haven't felt home for a long time but yes, this is I truly where I belong. I cannot wait to be inspired, share, learn and interact with you all.

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