Three Lessons I Learned from Being the Team Leader of a Research Team

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Omolola Sadik


Apr 30

Joined Jan 27, 2023

Last month, I volunteered to be a part of a research team. So, there were two segments: we were to write a research paper and also prepare a PowerPoint. I was eventually chosen as the team leader, an experience I found enlightening. Leading the team, I learned so many lessons, but these three stood out. 

1. Building an effective communication system is important. Like every team, there was a need for us to collaborate and cooperate to excel and achieve our goal. To foster this collaboration, team members are encouraged and, as a matter of fact, expected to bond. However, as with teamwork, bonding doesn’t come easily. The level of willingness of each member of a team is different, and this can cause some members to neglect the work on the ground or not do enough. Nevertheless, I learned a lot about how clarity and timely dissemination of information can make or break a team.

2. Resilience and perseverance: When communication fails, resilience is your next, and possibly only, way out. Leading a team exposes you to unexpected changes and uncertainties that require you to adapt quickly. You would experience setbacks as some of your team members would choose not to turn up and work on their parts. I learned to view these setbacks as learning opportunities and as a stepping stone to fortify my determination.

3. Chase excellence: Whether the team is responsive or not, you need to make it your duty to chase excellence. I have this quote I live by: "If it is not done well, it is not done at all." The words in this quote are my words. This is how much I adore excellence. 

So, whenever you find yourself in a team, responsive or not, always remember your own drive—excellence. Believe me, if every member of a team adopts this mindset, such a team is set for success. 

I don't know if you've watched the movie 'Three Idiots'. There was this catchy closing statement as the movie ended, and I will close with the same statement. "Follow the path of excellence, and success will chase you."

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