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Joined Nov 11, 2023

HOME test kit that i still use to see if i  still have covid the "virus" that almost took my life , left my left lung sick for three years

Photo Credit: margizuu

The virus was deteted in wuhan in late december 2019 but by 2020 somewhere in march it was reported in kenya thats how the fear got in me and others! even though it had diffrent transmission that depend o socio- eonomic groups of people. the virus brought so much isolation, loneliness , jobloss and financial instability and illness bond with grief. i remember loosing so many good people close to my foundation the bad thing is i never attended their burial they were just thrown in mass graves like some trush , others died alone with nobody to close their eyes an other death retuals .i'm still traumatized with it every time i look back at the emails we shared it bring bad memories back in my life , they went back to dust without saying bye to me , they went back without acomplishing all we started together .nway covid really affected me mentally i got it twice , i remember having difficulty in breathing one night i was gasping for breath for once i knew i was going to die and by that time getting the covid vaccine was not easy it was not available yet so i had to do the home made remedy that was crushed ginger , lemon, honey and garlic and also i had to go to hospital too because i was still running out of breath. my condition got worse i had to be cheked in ventilator to help me breath my left lung was so beaten by the virus.after i got better now came the hard part healing my left lung took 3 yrs to heal,i couldnt sleep on my left side , i couldnt lift a thing , wearing clothes was a problem i was like a toddler that really affected me so much that i slip in to depression, anxiety and bad dark thoughts . i hated everything every time i was around agroup of people my anxiety would come in full swing , i felt like i'm dying , i'm fainting i'm chocking and a bove all i feel like passing out . i stopped meeting people house was my new friend period was also affected with this my period stopped for six months i had to go to see a doctor about that too they told me all willget back to normal with time that too added mental healthand fear in me , i grew so skinny that my family started getting worried about my health .i still want to thank mysister doty for nursing me back to health the scariest part was my left lung sitting was a probrem for two years the healing was so slow that the doctors got concerned about my situation , my breathing got better that lead me to getting 4 covid vaccination my last vaccination was last year december 2023 .ever since i had those vaccine shots i never get sick for the last two years i have not taken any medication my period got back after the 8th month but that was something else it came so heavy it lasted a week i actually got tired of wearing sanitary pad but when the end time came it was a big relief , the following month my period was back to normal. but my left lung ,all my mind and thought were always there the best thing it was not life threatening situation it was just healing so slow and stressing every 3 months i had to go see doctor see how its going the doctors were amazed saying they have never seen something like this .i'm a living testimony that says covid vaccination really helpeds fight the body immunity , infact i mixed my vaccines i had moderna and phfizer . i can say they both have diffrent side effects moderna made me so sickfor two days with terreble hight temperature of 40. numb left hand that lasted a week . while phfizer was gentle on me i felt nothing only sore on the injected left hand for days.after 3 yrs of wait one day i woke up and i felt nothing on my left lung it felt good the long covid on it was out thats howi started sleeping on my left side without feeling uncomfotable that was the sweetest sleep i ever had . by the way i still wear my mask because i know what i went through my hope is to continue taking care of my healed lung that took three good years for it to get back to normal , i also joined a group inmy community that helppeaple get over their anxiety it has been of great help the srange anxiety that was in me left my body through therapy session with other people who suffred the same. my comunity was affected in a negative way domesti violence was on the rise when everyone was staying home , some women died from their injuries during that period most kids were left orphan ,lonely mentally drained . in future i hope we will be very mature on how we handle next pandemic without fearmongering , miss - communication. this covid pandemic caught us unprepared thats why alot of people died and others like me suffured mental health something nobody talks about .i still belive there are women that went through tought period but wont talked about it . fear of being stigmatized peole see me with my mask and laugh at me but inreality they dont know it took me 3 years to heal, to be well a gain i live with fear of leaving my mask behind i still cant becase covid is still with us , people just assume the virus is gone but its not the other day NEW virus was reported as a person that suffered from covid how do you think that make me feel , no matter what people say i will continue wearing my mask tiill then.

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