Today I Celebrate the Coming Out of My Souls Voice out of the Void

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Dr Edonna

United States of America

Mar 3

Joined Mar 13, 2009

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Photo Credit: Shaman Osceola RiverHorse

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Incredible! After existing on this extraordinary planet for a staggering 57 revolutions around the sun, I have, at long last, summoned the courage to unleash the profound depths of my true self. Witnessing my mother's relentless suffering, enduring countless bouts of violence, and enduring my own torment for daring to raise my voice, I developed an internal paralysis that I never fathomed would take me so many decades to overcome. One would assume that the countless milestones I achieved in my professional life would have paved the way earlier for this transformative revelation. Yet, inside me exists a voice far more profound than mere words—a voice that reverberates from the very core of my soul. It murmurs gently when silence encompasses my being, and my mind remains serene.

Today, I bask in the pure ecstasy of triumph as I unveil the magnum opus I've tirelessly crafted for over two decades—a masterpiece that delves into the depths of the soul, challenging the constraints of society's conventional narrative. I confess, apprehension initially consumed me, fearing judgment from a world hesitant to embrace my truth. However, my perception has dramatically shifted. I now realize that the sands of time diminish exponentially, and divine intervention alone may reverse this cosmic equation. Therefore, I implore you, my remarkable Sistars, never to surrender to anything but an existence aligned with your authentic selves.

The journey towards this pivotal moment necessitated a multitude of cathartic healing experiences, begetting the audacity to allow my soul's most profound truths to resonate resoundingly. Today, I exalt in honor of each and every one of you, as well as the mystical energy of the Divine Feminine, who patiently awaits our collective awakening to her sublime, boundless love. Let our words echo, not just with drama but with profound impact, throughout the vast expanse of the Wombniverse.

Our Voices Rising
Revolutionary Solidarity
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