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Fontem Joyce


Joined Aug 8, 2023

It is going to serve as a form of employment amongst youths especially girls

I wish to create awareness amongst young girls and women on the need to be independent through the acquisition of skills such as in ICT, culinary arts, fashion designing etc. This is because the rate of unemployment is alarming thereby pushing this young people to engage in bad behavior such as prostitution so as to make earns meet and this has also resulted to many unwanted pregnancy living mother and child in deplorable living conditions. It is very important because it is going to reduce the level of unemployment and dependence in our society. This is because with the skills gained this young people will be able to fend for themselves and also their families thereby improving their standards of living. Also, everyone has he's or her own identity and a role to plan in the society hence giving room for them to attain this full potential is very important because it adds value to yourself, family and community cause it is said that "when you educate a woman you educate the world " hencecreating an atmosphere where women can learn and acquire knowledge and skills that gives them a voice, identify society is povital as it will benefit not only the individual but the society at large.

To attain this objectives trainings and workshops are going to be be organized where this women and young girls will be enrolled in their various fields of interest and will run for at least 6 months to ensure that each person has a good mastery of the craft.

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