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Princess Rose


Oct 1

Joined Jul 2, 2023

Everything in life is not a bed of roses🌸🌸🌸🪔️🏺🦋🌸🦋🌸🌸🌸

The popular saying rang through my mind as i begun to reflect on the many events that transpired in my life.🕊Twenty-two years felt like it went by so quickly. I remember my first step. The first decision. Most important of all a big shift. A shift that would ultimately change the direction of my Life. Perhaps affected the next great shift and change my Life.

I remember being plunged into a major setback one that would scar me and bring deep sorrow. How was i supposed to explain to my "friends". There was no explanation all i new was my course took a different turn and my journey was different from my peers. I longed so much to have a life that was relatable to those that were around me. But the winds of change carried me and brought me to a remote land. Dry & desolate. My Life was not what i envisioned it to be. My plans destroyed my dreams faded by the waves of a huge storm. My expectations not met. But with a twinkle of an eye. An Angel met me. The Angel of Change & Hope. 🏺Ready to take on with the Wings of Destiny i flew far from what my life always Knew.


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