Trees for a better Environment

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Milliy Naisiai Lemusa


Joined Nov 2, 2023

One Moment here, the next moment in a crocodiles belly. Poor Little Lematian, a 10 Year Old boy who had taken his parents animals to the river is no more.

The trees are gone, the rivers soon diasapper with the trees, the problem comes when wildlife such as crocodiles migrate to the fewer places where water still is. And these happens to be where livestock and human beings interract.

Deforestration and human activity have led to devastating effects of climate change which has hit Afica harder than any other continent in the world.

We need to refforest kenya to avoid further negative effects of climate change.the government of kenya has a target of planting upto 15 billion trees in the next 5 years and we as Ilkapianga Investment are up to the task.

My Name is Millicent Naisiai from Ilkapianga Investment Limited.we took a consious decision to specalize in propagation of indeginious tree seedlings because they are more desirable in mitigating the negative impacts of climate change.

Although we raise other exotic seedlings such as coffee and bamboo. Propagation of indiginious tree seedlings is more challenging but we have gained enormus knowledge from KFS and KEFRI on seedling propagation and Nursery management.

We have raised over 750,000 seedlings in the last 4 years planted in different ecosystems . We yave also supplied to thousands of seedlings to individual farms around the counties.

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