Turning 25 : Cupcakes for blessings

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Susan Khasoa


Jan 31

Joined Jul 22, 2023

Some of my school of information science staff(They insisted on taking a photo. And making it a funny one😂)

Instead of a traditional birthday bash, I embarked on a unique mission to mark my 25th: collecting blessings. Reaching a quarter century felt like a significant transition, a stepping stone into a new phase of adulthood, and I wanted to mark it in a way that reflected my values.

Forget the party favors; I brought cupcakes to 25 deserving individuals who played a significant role in my journey – the school staff, the ever-reliable printing guy, and even my hairdresser. Why? Because they were more than just faces in the crowd; they were the unseen hands that helped me navigate freshman year and beyond.

From forgotten chargers to friendly chats in the hallway, these individuals – cleaners, secretaries, cooks, the guard – had become my silent support system. A simple "good morning" or "happy weekend" might seem insignificant, but the genuine connection it fostered made a difference. They knew me, joked with me, and helped me whenever needed.

This birthday wasn't about extravagance, but about acknowledging the true value of people. It taught me a valuable lesson: treat everyone with the same respect and kindness you reserve for those closest to you. A simple "thank you," a compliment, or even just a friendly greeting can have a profound impact.

Caring for people transcends self-serving reasons. It's an acknowledgment of our interconnectedness, our shared humanity, and the profound impact we have on each other. Here's why it matters:

We are woven into the fabric of existence: People aren't isolated entities; we're intricately linked with the natural world and each other. Caring for individuals ripples outward, affecting communities, ecosystems, and ultimately, the world we inhabit. A smile on a guard's face translates to a happier home environment, impacting his family and potentially their wider circle. It's a chain reaction of positivity.

Compassion can be a lifeline: Life throws challenges at us all, and sometimes, a seemingly small act of care can be the difference between giving up and pushing forward. A kind word, a thoughtful gesture, or simply acknowledging someone's struggles can offer the strength and hope they need to persevere.

Caring enriches our own lives: Studies have shown that empathy and acts of kindness boost our own happiness and well-being. Helping others creates a sense of purpose, connection, and belonging, fostering a more fulfilling life for ourselves.

It's the foundation of a thriving world: From tackling global challenges like climate change to building supportive communities, progress hinges on cooperation and collective action. By caring for each other, we nurture the very foundation of a more just and equitable world.

Caring for people isn't about expecting something in return; it's about recognizing the inherent value in every individual and the interconnectedness of our lives. It's about creating a world where kindness ripples outward, leaving a positive impact on ourselves, our communities, and the world around us.

My 25th might not have been a grand celebration, but it was filled with 25 genuine smiles and 25 heartfelt blessings. It reaffirmed my belief that people are the most important thing in life. We cannot exist as islands; by uplifting those around us, we ultimately uplift ourselves.

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