Understanding Equality from a Woman’s Perspective

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Jul 9

Joined Feb 3, 2023

The whole equality advocacy has been misunderstood every time it was brought up by women. The women bringing up the topic have been termed feminists and rebel against the norm and tradition where men should lead and women to follow.

We are not rebels to the tradition because even God states that men should lead and we women follow. By equality, we want and mean to be considered in vital decision-making because the decisions affect all of us.

The times are changing and the naiveness in women is fading away, they have a sense of deeper understanding compared to the past where the decisions were made for them. Hear what we have to say and put it into consideration, helping in making informed decisions for the best is what we mean.

Unlike the faded era, women have acquired a good education and it is required of them to practice what they have learnt, traditions shouldn’t be the barrier. We are in a civilized world with more demands and we need to use all the potential at hand to make it a better world.

Development and growth is not about gender it is all about what’s best to work with for the best results. Leaving behind a brilliant idea just because it came from a woman is wrong we are endangering the future for fear of deviating from traditions which shouldn’t act as a barrier but rather a guide to an informed and successful future.

Nobody knows how tomorrow will pan out and the more reasons we should allow everyone to give their best regardless of their gender. Gender won’t solve a national calamity, health issues, development hindrances, and other pressing issues, but the best brains will. We need to embrace civilization from a good perceptive where we consider the people bringing the best to the table regardless of their gender. We need to ignore the more of she is a woman and embrace she is bringing a lot for the best of our society.

Women are a vital part of our society and they shouldn’t be defined by their gender, they are more to women, change makers. Listen to women, consider their ideas, take what works for society and grow it. The future is in our hands, as humans and we choose whether ego dictates it positively or negatively where positively the gender doesn’t matter, and negatively gender matters where the considered ideas and decisions are those of men alone.

Dear men we respect and love you but like say change is the only inevitable thing in life. The times we are in have given us equal platforms to acquire education and it is required of us to put it into action somewhere in life per the qualifications and knowledge acquired so please support us by bringing out the best in us, don’t let all the smartness go to waste just because we are women. Society needs all of us just like the consequences don’t leave anyone out.

We are your support system so don’t limit what we offer while at it less we become victims of ignorance and ego. As long as we are humans we are still learning from each other, taking the important parts and leaving the rest. We want a better world so we should join forces to get what we need. It is us against the world and not a specific gender against the world!

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