☎Unheard Voices:📣 Unsolved Cases_Justice📣

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Princess Rose


Oct 1

Joined Jul 2, 2023

Human rights

Photo Credit: Google Images


One of the many other things I find interest in besides bringing attention to young women and Children in the community is solving unsolved cases. Those that have passed away and traveled unto the other side also deserve to be heard. Their voices need to be focused on again.The system is corrupt and justice is not being served the way it should be. Prior to a lot of research and observation it has come to my notice that there are quiet a number of people specifically young adults both male and female that have gone missing for the past four to five years. Some cases have extended to six years and the families and loved ones of these people have to go through so much trauma,pain,hurt,anguish,bitterness & deep grief. In addition to that they had to become their own personal investigators looking for the abductees and killers of their children. I am currently focusing on a case of a young lad called Joseph Smedley his sister and other family members are still looking for his enforcer. I believe that justice will be served. As the days and years passes by justice will be served for others who need it too.

#Death is not the End

#Souls dead or alive still count


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