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Leaders Of Change Initiatives


Nov 22

Joined Nov 1, 2023

2023 United Nations Day Theme: Equality, Freedom and Justice for all.

In a World that is Constantly evolving, the role of Youth in shaping the future of their Communities is more crucial than ever. Leaders of Change Initiatives got the privilege to Celebrate United Nations day With Gem Institute at The United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Lesotho Maseru.🇱🇸

Here are Six(6) Roles Gem Institute Plays in different communities, for a better Future for All.🇱🇸🌍

1. Gem Institute’s Projects are mostly focused on the 13th Sustainable Development Goal namely “Climate Change Action “. For more than Two(2) years, the Organization has participated in a Project called Act4ClimateChange where they work with Various Schools to Plant trees for Green House Emissions Reductions in the Atmosphere.

The Act4ClimateChange Project has reached several Schools in Lesotho such as ‘Mabathoana High School, Lesotho High School, St.Stevens, Bophethe Primary School and St.James High School.

2. Gem Institute believes in order for the Youth to support the front lines of the Sustainable Development Goals, a program concerning Youth Engagement should be established where Young Leaders are called out to tackle issues affecting Societies collectively. From advocating for Social Cohesion to initiatives concerning Gender Equality. They believe that Young People should take Charge in making significant impacts in their Communities.

3. Gem Institute has implemented Advocacy Programs for mobilization purposes and to also encourage every girl to believe in themselves. From Policy Decision Making Spaces and other relevant Policy Community Concerns. Advocacy Programs already implemented in the Organization are;

Gender Equality Advocacy, Gender Based Violence, HIV/AIDS and Climate Change Advocacy Programs.

4.Gem Institute believes that in order for Youth Leaders to Promote Peaceful Inclusive Program for Youth Engagement, it is important to build better relationships with our peers through improved communication and better Social Skills to help enhance project group outcomes.

5. These are one of a few activities Gem Institute Members are doing to support the front lines of Climate Action in Lesotho;

- Planting trees in Schools, for air quality enhancement and entrepreneurship purposes.

- Recycling Thrift Clothing to use in the filming and fashion department.

6. Gem institute believes Youth Leadership Development is important because young people hold the key to creating a better future. Now is the time to start thinking and acting long term to make intergenerational purity the norm and to design a Society, economy that cares for all people in Communities.

How can we start Developing Youth Leaderships in Communities?

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