
WAYDO's Nutrition Kit Distributed to 150 Beneficiaries in Teknaf Funded By BJ Charity

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Oct 8

Joined Oct 22, 2022

The last program of the "Nutritional Support for Lactating Mother in Cox's Bazar" project was organized by the implementation of "Women's Service and Youth Development Organization-Weido" in Maheshkhalia neighborhood of Hoikang Union of Teknaf Upazila. The program was inaugurated under the supervision of the member of the executive committee of the organization Noor Ayesha and the chief guest was the executive director of the organization's mother organization "Heart Society" and coordinator in chief Jobair Mahmud. He said that since 2022, Weido has been conducting activities to improve the quality of life of local people, women and children since its inception. This 6-month project is funded by the foreign donor organization "BJ Charity" and implemented by Weido, distribution of "Nutrition Kit" to 150 lactating mothers of Maheshkhali Upazila and Teknaf Upazila. The program was attended by members of all levels of the organization and volunteer sisters. Samjida Begum, president of the organization, said that the response of the marginal beneficiaries is very satisfactory and a proposal will be made to the donor organization to extend this cooperation further.

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