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Elena Georgiou

Sep 15

Joined Mar 27, 2022

Wearing BLUE on this day .

COLOR BLUE represents:

The National Human Trafficking Awareness Day #WearBlueDay and is recognized each year on January 11th.

It represents the sadness of those who are trafficked while reminding us of the cold-heartedness of those who buy and sell fellow human beings.

Human trafficking is a multi-billion-dollar form of international organized crime, constituting modern-day slavery. For criminals, victims of trafficking are merely a commodity that can be used – and even sold - for financial gain. There is a total disregard for human dignity and rights. All abuse is traumatic and harmful to victims. But many factors in sex trafficking intensify the pain even more than if a child was solely sexually abused. 

Trafficked children are deprived of their natural support system. This alone deprives them of their other rights– their right to basic needs, their right to be free from abuse and exploitation, and their right to health and education, among others. Just by losing their family, they lose a better future. Human Trafficking must stop here and now. Children have to be protected. Survivors you have my support.

Don’t forget to watch my show with our World Pulse Sister and my guest Jill Langhus-Griffin Liluye and the excellent discussion about Human trafficking, prevention and healing


If you want to be invited as my guest in the show send me an email at georgioue290@gmail.com 

Tune in for more shows to watch at

The Ms Texas Showhttps//www.youtube.com/c/TheMsTexasShow

Human Trafficking
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