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Joined Aug 19, 2019

Stand Beside Her
Stand Beside Her

We stand beside our sisters around the globe who are both physically & mentally abused.We are here to light the lamp of hope in their hearts.We can find the tragic stories of our sisters' lives because of : mental & physical torture, economical distress, rape, divorce, stress of wrong relationship, gender based violence & discrimination, loss of beloved ones, unexpected abortion, sickness and other known & unknown matters.

Never lose hope & feel lonely ! Try not to be surrounded by the wrong people to get rid of your loneliness and be happy.We can see bitter loneliness of our sisters going through chronic mental and physical stress and many types of man made social trauma mentioned before.Those sisters are deprived from having a normal life and utilize their potentials.Some people with bad mental attitude of our society point finger towards them, mock them, abuse them and try to stop them from having a better life.But believe that there are still many good people around the globe to support you, inspire you, stand beside you.This vast world is full of many creative things to do and be satisfied with great works.The fact is that you need to wish for better life, surrounding, people, things to do.This is your own journey.Good people can show you the right path, but you have to walk your own way.In this journey of life, be strong enough to be happy by your good decision & self effort living in the crowd of people.Love, inspiration and prayers for your precious journey of life, dear sisters ! 

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