
What is anger and how can you control it?

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Feb 8

Joined Dec 18, 2023

Unchecked anger is a small spark that can consume emotions if left uncontrolled. It's essential to tame this flame to prevent it from burning bridges and causing lasting damage

1. Pause and Breathe:When anger arises, take a moment to pause. Inhale and exhale slowly, allowing deep breaths to bring a sense of calm. This helps create a mental space for clearer thinking.

2. Reflect and Identify:Understand the origin of your anger. Identify specific triggers and acknowledge the emotions involved. This self-awareness is essential for addressing the root cause effectively.

3.Choose a Constructive Response: Instead of reacting impulsively, opt for a measured and constructive response. This might involve expressing your feelings calmly, working toward a solution, or taking a brief break to regain composure. Redirecting the energy allows you to regain control over your emotions.

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