What is the big deal about Mentorship?

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Mentor Intro Africa


Joined Jan 31, 2024

Very early in my career, I came to the realisation that smart work, discipline, resilience, focus were some of the tools needed to excel on this journey and there was no short cuts. I also very quickly realised that there were people who had walked the exact same path I had or had experienced some of the obstacles I was facing who could potentially help me navigate. I also realised that they saw value in the work done, sometimes they would recommend, advocate and even connect you to a network that could make a difference in your journey.

My short answer to that question on if you really need a mentor would be a big YES.

However, to have a common understanding of the meaning of a “Mentor,” I have taken my time to interview career executives and business owners across various industries if at any stage in their journey, they had a relationship with a person who took a personal or keen interest in their career or business growth and who guided or helped them navigate. Honestly, i got mixed responses. A number of them said NO and a healthy number, especially career professionals said YES. 

I think there are few questions that need to be asked around the Mentorship conversation:

  1. Has every successful career or business owner had a mentor? 
  2. How prevalent are these relationships in business?
  3. Is the competitiveness of the working world conducive for these sort of Mentor-Mentee relationship?
  4. Are career professionals or business owners who had a mentor different from their peers? If they are, in what ways are they different?
  5. Do mentors have to be senior in position or level? 
  6. Do individuals who have had a mentor earn more money at a younger age, are they better educated or  more likely to follow a career plan, and, in turn, sponsor more protégés than those who have not had a mentor.

I would love to hear from you, your thoughts on the questions above


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