Who opened the door for you?

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Batool Kazmi


Joined Dec 12, 2023

Say thank you to people around you. Notice their efforts.

Thank you to everyone!

Many times, we fail to recognize our real heroes in life. Think about it, who gave you the shoulder to cry on? Who helped you when you were stuck with a problem? Who actually was there to face your tantrums? Who listened to your thoughts and appreciated them? Who opened the door for you when your hands were full with stuff? Who? Who?

Honestly, there is no one alone, there are many around you unnoticed, they actually are real heroes of your life. Who made a cup of coffee or tea when you needed it badly?

Thank you for reading my story here because you deserve to be thanked, as you spare time to read,comment and support each other.

Make a habit of saying Thank-you to others when you see anyone, you never know what role did they play because sometimes we don't notice minor things but in reality they should be valued.


Batool Kazmi

Moments of Hope
Spirit Awards
Shout Your Vision
Training - Digital Storytelling
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