Woman, thou art blessed!

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Feb 9

Joined Sep 1, 2023

Photo Credit: Menitos Charity Foundation

MS Daramola Tolu with students of Orile Agege Primary School

Happy Easter to everyone, it's been a wonderful week and as we come to the end of the holy week, I wanted to remind us about the women in the picture.

The Bible is such a wonderful book and I always point out how it can be interpreted diversely and also used to affirm modern day trends.

Easter is about the crucifixion and ascension and so the focus is often on the disciples, rulers and clergy. I am not going to repeat that, let us discuss the women then and now.

For years, Easter teachings have been so detailed about the men but what of the women. Jesus had a mother and a female follower who was not called a disciple (which I think is purely patriarchal 😜)

You see, the biblical reference to men everywhere often makes us overlook how powerful women were, it was a woman who requested the head of John the Baptist, the men only carried it out.

Jezebel, a woman got all the prophets running out of town, while her husband was king.

Esther and Vashti feud led men to commit crimes.

While they doubted that Christ was risen and were trying to explain it away, the real decision makers were on their way to establish facts.

Have you ever wondered what Mary would have done if Christ had not risen, she had to have a thought as she went there knowing that the tomb was heavily guarded.

My message is this, as women our roles might be undermined by the media, culture and politics but just as these women managed to make massive impacts in their unelected roles, we also need to be very aware that the power we carry just being a woman is not something even an election can give us.

Just By Being A Woman, You Are Chosen And You Are Blessed.

Remember this as you face everything life throws at you.

Happy New Month


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