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Gender Harmony (GH)


Joined Sep 21, 2024


Starting 15 Jul 2024, GH has launched the programme on WOMEN OF HARMONY.

Women is hoped to be the Initiator on creating ‘harmony’ as given mandate from God for the Suitable Helper to men; where with spouse whom has another mandate  from God for being the Leader in Family; together to build Peace and Harmony in Family life.

Men and women have bn created differently although they all are humans - both are suposed to be complement not to compete each other, or to conquer or making them similarity to each other! 

They have gender disparities - that need to be understood and working out for synergy towards family resilience.

Since beginning humans bn created - women were meant to be the helper to men; Genesis 2:18 ; that’s why women become the Initiator.

Thus as the pioneer, women must understand ‘leadership’ ~ mostly to hv ability for inisiative, understand family needs, practically be useful to give sources / spirits to others in family, able to mk decision as needed in various life aspects: social, culture, economy n politic. 

The women’s role as “Agent of CHANGE” - Women whom brought changes! Motherhood status is hoped to act as ‘umbrela’ for pushing: gender equality & equity; where reality existence of the “equal opportunity” [not meaning same volume/ No]-  for women & men in the family advancement - so that they cd move on together in ‘gender transformation’ for a better living, healthy, harmonius n happy!

Women Economy is part of initiative on WOH. As Economy alrd inside the women arena since past time over centuries; in market, services n food consumption ; which unfortunately not being accompanied by higher skills. 

That’s why; GH proposed : *Women Empowerment is Family advancement toward Future investment*! 

Women in economic has added the “discount rate” of women to minimize her dependency to men (husband). However over centuries men held the control to resources for economy. 

“Dual Income Family” wd change positively the family power towards advancement. The location is not necesarily out of home - there are home industry, virtual office, online marketing and so on

The spouse relationship between husband n wife must be managed well within ‘gender partnership’ and within “human rights’ for respect, protection n fulfillment to both men n women equally n in equity!

It is hoped; women n men as the Spouse of Peace & Harmony may create a better world of living in family, community, nation n the World! 🌏

Help us God! 🙏🌹😇🌻🌈💧🍇

International Day of Peace
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