Women on T.E.C.H (Teach. Empowers. Changemaker. Hope.)
Jul 26, 2020
Apr 29
Joined Feb 17, 2017
This webinar goes Livestream via Facebook live. It has reached not only in the Philippines but also in other countries. It connects women by encouraging them to share their stories and advocacy online. Through this online webinar, a barrier has been break because it is showing us that there are women who have more to tell, women can express, women can connect and women can build a movement.
The realization of this webinar brought T.E.C.H.:
T - Teaches us to read and learn how to use digital tools available online.
E - Empowers women in my community that they can not only write, but also tell their stories online. Most of the time we watch other people's stories, but this time we tell our story. A story that inspires and empowers women.
C - Changemaker, is how this technology brings us together. We gather knowledge and resources to make a change. The women of today can use technology by pooling of talents and skills. This we create a difference. Women can share their experienced, can share their advocacy and share her interest that everyone can learn from each other.
H - Hope. There is hope for every woman that when they can access the internet and start building one voice than those who are deprived, abuse, experienced injustice can be heard and receive support through encouragement and create awareness. This deliberately creates a revolution of oneness.
This webinar impacted - Person with Disability, Parents with special needs kids, Women on Disaster, Women on Mental Health in Philippines.