Women's Day in Afghanistan

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Apr 10

Joined Mar 15, 2023

If life is art, then woman is a masterpiece. She is the embodiment of beauty, kindness, pride, tenderness, selflessness and dignity. He is a true masterpiece whom we all admire.

Today is March 8, International Women's Day, this day is celebrated in all countries and women are praised

Unaware of the fact that the women of Afghanistan went to the sidelines, the women who are not aware of this day are so involved in the sufferings of life that they have forgotten even this one day for themselves.

Women who don't have the right to education and the right to freedom, then what joy will Women's Day have for them, women who have been suffering and sorrow for years, Afghan women are the bravest women in the world, but this year they will watch this day with tears in their eyes. who has no value in his own country and is looked upon as a criminal, so what does women's day mean to him

Today is a black day for Afghan women because they cannot celebrate their right to choose and freedom

Happy Women's Day to all the women of the world

# Woman, education, freedom, life

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