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Sri Lanka

Aug 2

Joined May 24, 2022

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Women leaders

My dear sisters, you are not born to the world, only for making kids and feeding your family. The whole world needs your uniqueness. May be you are a mother, daughter, sister or a wife, you have a duty beyond your family level. Family is the first. But there are more places where you have to be.

“South Asia has the largest gender gap (17 percentage points) with an adult male literacy rate of 79 percent, and adult female literacy rate of 62 percent. Sub-Saharan Africa and Middle East and North Africa lag only marginally behind with a gender gap of 15 percentage points and 14 percentage points, respectively. However, Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest level of adult female literacy at 57 percent.”


There are many female leaders in the world. But as a whole, females are less educated than male. This is mainly due to social and cultural background of different countries. Women have a huge duty in maintaining the family. You can be just a housewife. It is not a problem if it is your choice. My mother is also a housewife. Of course, my father can not do anything without my mother. But, is it right if you are just a housewife, because of some limitations or rules of the society. I think there is a big issue there. Female also should have freedom to do anything as they wish.

As a university student, I have seen the power of female. I am a Sri Lankan. Sri Lanka has a free education system. But always politicians are trying to destroy the free education for their cheap sake. Therefore, always there are fights to protect free education. Actually, there is no gender for that. All are fighting to protect the education for the future generation as all of them know the power of education equally.


As a woman in a corrupted country, I have seen the women who are fighting for the country, with a baby at one side. I have seen girls who are fighting to protect the education amidst water and tear gas. I have seen street women who are selling flowers near temples, to feed the family. I have seen women who are plucking tea leaves in deadly cool mornings.


Yes, women are powerful than men. But most of the times, that power is hidden at homes. We have to win our rights. All women should have the right to be educated. Women should have right to wear what they want, eat what they want, travel as they want. Women also have the ability to word at the lowest employee level to highest administrative level. It should not be limited for a region of a country.

The world needs the knowledge, attitudes and the power of the women, who are limited to the walls of the home. As women who have already come out from the door of home, we all have a duty to show the world outside the home, for other women who are still at the home. 

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