world radio day the 13th of februay

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Joined Nov 11, 2023

Photo Credit: chris

radio is the longest runningdaily global news program,a platform and focal point to pursue businss, civic and social relationship with your audience

world radio day is an international day celebrated on the 13th of february each year .the day was decided by UNESCO on november 3 that was in 2011 during its 36th confrence. listening to radio allow broadcasters worldwide to connect with other radio station . world radio is proclaimed by UNESCO that entertain, educate ,emphasize the profound influence of radio as a catalyst for change in society. we all grow up with radio it was the only form of intertaiment back in the days we would run to just listen to favorite programs missing your program was heart breaking thing that would never be forgiven i remember my parents with their radio my dad was a fun of rumba music he would listen to it for two straight hours and we ended up joining our dad with funy dance , my mother on the other hand like those gospel music every sunday we would sing with our mother and enjoy those gospel music the meories still lives .radio had kids program for kids it was always at 8 am that was amust listen too it had question befor the end of the program that allow kids to win dictionary i'm glad i wone a dictionary from one of the kids programs in radio my parents were so proud of me for this ,todate they still remind me of my win every time we have a family gathering that has to come up because i made my parents proud .radio is here to stay no matter how things are changing listening to radion made you creat an imaginary picture that stick in your mind for years .long a go when worldcup was being aired on radio people would gather aroud to enjoy football it brought family together back in the day , i miss the good old days of radio. those safari ralies that were prominet drivers were being praised it glued people to radios it has not gotten over our minds with those beautiful radio presenters with amazing voices calling their names and telling the listerners whats is going on we on the other side we creating the picture with cheers .but as years gose by technology is changing how we receiving news this days the birth of digital media is seeing 70% of people listening to radio from their radios most people prefer using other form of media to listen , view news , cheap phones that has in bult radio has everyone glued to their phones , those with televisio and digital tool bax , the birth of internet that is easly accesed has changes how radio work . long time radios used to operate till midnight people would go to bed untill he next day , unlike the digital error the radio run 24/7 we can stay up late listening to what we want .radio is here to stay no matter how advanced the technology is takingover everthing radio is life i saw those hardmen in our vilages looking after hears of cattle having this portable radios next to them it put a smile on my face that radio is here to stay. i'm positive that radio will never die because of digital media not everyone can afford topay those pay digital tv they will stick with solar charged radio that dont require alot they rather look for food that pay for digital media .thats why radio is my best form of entertainment no matter were your in in this planet you will still hear people listening to radion, enjoying programs shared in radios , compete in travious shared in diffrent programs in radion, we allhave our favorite radio presenters we rather tune in and listen to them enjoy what they say and share try to call back when they asjk questions. some people i know have their lives changed through listening to radio. so ever since UNESCO released 20 audio files of one minute each , i have shared it for free in some of my proramms to enlighten others ,to motivate those who needs my help , hold events with my team while doing charitable works in the community this is something i will not stop sharing. the 2024 radio theme was so enlightening it took me back to the good old days when radio was the only form of entertainment and how people got information from world news without waiting for people to tell them about what is going on in the community or country , the theme also gave me an idea i will share with kids on my next event i would like to hear what this generation z has to say about radio do they still listen to radion in their homes or digital media has take over everything. i like listening to generatio z argue about old radios i will try share with majority of age groups from primary to secondary schools so i can learn about what they have to say about radio , what do they think about world radio day , what is it all about , who are the founders of world radio day .but i already know the answer because this is the generation that dont like to read so the 2024 theme will make me reach out to larger audience and make it an ideal medium to share information , promote awareness and connect with as much community as possible. the world radio day theme has made me creat new contacts that have changed my life especially the recent event i was lucky to attend it was so enlightening it open so many doors in my life and i will want to share it with more people radio is here to stay no matter how digital media is trying to take over the world , i was lucky to visit one of the radio stations it was so so nice to see how presenters do their job behind those microphones and sound proof studios

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