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Mar 15

Joined Oct 21, 2023

One of the things I’m very passionate about are volunteering services/activities because it gives me the opportunity to see life from different perspectives and has really helped me in unleashing a different kind of strength-vulnerability and empathy.

So just a few weeks ago I was really excited at the health awareness outreach done by my section with those of same faith. While the event was underway, I quickly joined the counseling unit.

Not too long after, a woman came with her teenager whom she alleged was defiant, lazy and has lying tendencies. She left the boy with us because she didn’t want him to speak under any form of duress. Myself and my colleague quickly engaged him. We made him realise how cute, smart and intelligent he is and how it will be great to have good virtues alongside. - being obedient to his parents and the likes.

After much said, the young man requested to ask a question, he said “why do parents tell lies?”

Phewwww! For a moment, my colleague and I were dumbfounded and thrown off balance but thank God for wisdom to navigate through. We didn’t excuse telling lies but we made him understand that it must have been for a good reason. No way we were going to throw his parents under the bus because it would have messed up with his mind even more. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the chance to speak to the lady that brought him.

Since that day, I’ve been praying and evaluating myself as a parent. Providing for your children is not all that there is to it. Instilling the right values is also some form of love and care. What you do as a parent is clearer and louder than the instructions you dish out to them. You must first be what you want to see in them. You must first do what you want them to do. Children are often a reflection of their parents and the values they uphold.

The home is the child’s first training ground and as parents, it is our responsibility to make it void of vices or toxicities. Be the best teacher and preserve good values for the future generations.

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