You're a strong woman.

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Dec 16

Joined Jan 23, 2023

Photo Credit: Facebook ©Rachael Ebunlomo Idowu

Men are so lucky I always say, I mean considering the fact that I'm a wife, a mother and a carrier woman it's not being easy at all.

Before I proceed I'll like to introduce myself.

My name is Rachael Ebunlomo Idowu, I'm from Osun State, Nigeria. I'm a wife and a mother of two (2) wonderful kids, I'm an entrepreneur.

Now back to my story, I always find it difficult balancing the scale between being a wife, a mother and a carrier woman, most time hubby will need my attention, the kids will be crying at the same time my phone will be ringing (clients calling). It is very tiring and I believe this is what most women out there are facing yet most if these men don't usually appreciate what women do.

So to every wife, mother and a carrier woman out there I say a big shout out to you, you're doing well and we're proud of you so you should be proud of yourself because you are strong! You are Unique, you're are a gem and so you should never be tired, never be discouraged until you reach your goal. The sky will not be your limit but will be your starting point.

You are loved, you are cherished.

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