
Lost 6 and Missing 1 🗃📋

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Princess Rose


Oct 1

Joined Jul 2, 2023


Photo Credit: Google


In the year 1999 a group of friends met at a place where they all agreed. After meeting at the point,they headed off to a party in a Club. All of them boarded a car one of them owned and set of in the evening, after 1:00am in the night they arrived. During the arrival they covered their charges and left inside for the party. Everyone of them was happy and in high spirits. Around 3:00am the security of the club started leading guest out because it was time to close for the night. While everyone was doing so, he realized one of the group memebers were drunk so he adviced and made sure another person sat behind the steering wheel. However he was not sure who changed positions with the drunk one behind the steering wheel. According to his own account the one who was drunk exchanged with another one of his colleague's until they took off from the club. Eyewitnesses also said they saw all of them getting into the car and heading home. Although nobody knew for certain that they were going home.

Sadly none of the friends made it home and were reported missing in a few days time.

When police were searching and following up with investigations they found the car sunk in a river.

The mysterious twist of this case?🤔🤔🤔

All the bodies of the people in the car were recovered however one person's body was not found. The Police searched again everywhere in that area its surroundings and possibly a little beyond no clues or traces of the last victim was ever found until now.

What do you think could have happened to the last victim, what are your thoughts on his whereabouts and what could have happened to him that faithful night?

Share your thoughts,comments and possible scenarios..................💬🤔🤔📋🗃


Missing since May 7th 1999

Regional Programme Specialist Case Contact:


📠Alabama Investigation State Bureau➡️

📠➡️(800) 228-7688

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