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Web3 Woman

Mar 23

Joined Mar 11, 2023

Since this last update, we have had nearly 10 more sessions of the Women Web3 Wednesday, my bad, i did forget to share the links here to have interested women join in.

We have had an amazing speaker series with interesting themes around web3 technology in real estate, music, arts, business and digital skills, with ket reference to the role that women (can) play in it.

For us, this is more that just hosting weekly Twitter spaces, it is about the women who's aspiration can be influenced and improved, and can dare to dream bigger.

The future of the global economy relies on technological advancement, and for us at the Web3 Woman Hub, we are fighting tooth and nail to ensure that more women can and are a part of the drive for this actualization, as we believe that this increased inclusion for women in web3 tech and beyond, is key for enforcing social impact for women's empowerment.

We have more inspiring series coming up in the coming weeks, and I would ensure to update this platform with the link to session so interested women from here can join!

In the meantime, if you're yet to join our community, you're sleeping on a bicycle! Join our exclusive community where we tend to your personal and career development to ensure that you're adequately empowered and guided to grow and scale. I guarantee that even if you don't feel like it now, as a woman you would need it soon.

Join us today at t.me/Web3WomanHub . Alternatively, you can search @Web3WomanHub on your Telegram app. We hope to see you with us!

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